Situational Awareness & Mass Notifications
The SARA situational awareness system with real-time, automated alerts will help protect your people, property, and business.
Integrated alarm management and automatic mass notification SARA is an automated alerting engine that integrates stand-alone alarm and communication systems for centralized monitoring, alerting and reporting.

Such unification ensures that critical data is delivered to the right people so they can address an unfolding situation in the right way. Inefficient, stand-alone alarms are converted into real-time, detailed notifications to key individuals, select groups/response teams or entire populations via the designated communication end points. SARA’s modes and actions automatically set alerting/mass notification in motion when a triggering event occurs, according to your protocols and escalation paths. Your existing networks, sensors and devices work together, without silos, to improve communication and information flow. Such interoperability also means that legacy systems don’t have to be ripped out and replaced.
SARA’s Positioning System (SPS)
The SARA automated alerting engine powers local mobile duress. When a pendant (a.k.a. panic button) is activated, alerts immediately go to the appropriate on- and off-site responders, according to preprogrammed alerting protocols and escalation paths. In addition to delivering real-time alerts produced by mobile pendant presses, SARA also provides approximate location data, a capability that enhances local mobile duress with a level of accuracy not available from traditional RF-based systems. Not only does SPS improve response times and overall quality of service, it also allows valuable equipment to be tracked for life safety, security and operational efficiency.
Applications for SPS SARA with SPS for vector mapping provides local mobile duress in a variety of environments including: Senior living communities – mobile duress for residents and asset tracking Hospitals – mobile duress for clinicians/staff and asset tracking K-12 schools – mobile duress for teachers, administrators and students with special needs Courthouses and other criminal or civil justice settings – mobile duress for judges, lawyers, jurors and guards Hotels/resorts – mobile duress for room attendants, other lone workers and VIPs, Manufacturing facilities, etc.